sâmbătă, 2 iunie 2012

Boo Kodak!

What an awful message you're sending to the youths!
Kodak, a supposedly family friendly company, has pulled its ads from airing during Teen Nick's popular series, DeGrassi: The Next Generation.
Apparently, the company has been receiving a slew of emails from the Florida Family Association for supporting a show that “targets teens with gay propaganda and other [...]

keith olbermann back at msnbc with high ratings

After being suspended for two days, Countdown with Keith Olbermann returned to MSNBC this week with a whopping 1.5 million viewers.

That is a 50 percent ratings boost!

Guess getting in trouble isn't the worst thing to have happen.

The world of info
articles internet
Inspiring news flash
rasoir braun cruzer 6
Crispy information

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