joi, 31 mai 2012

Angelina Jolie Does Vogue Magazine

Angelina Jolie, who is hard at work these days in Hungary directing her first feature film, is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Vogue magazine. In her accompanying interview, Ange confesses that contrary to popular belief she is NOT a superwoman capable of doing superhuman feats … in [...]

Hugh Jackman was spotted on the streets of NYC, NY this week scooting around from one location to the next on his very own Razor Scooter. Now, we’ve seen many photos of Hugh out with his kids while they ride their scooters but this time … it was just Hugh … and a scooter of his own:

Have you ever seen a more adorable way to reduce one’s carbon footprint, like EVER?! Le Sigh. Hugh Jackman is just awesome, wouldn’t you agree?

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin]

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