joi, 24 februarie 2011

Let The Lines Begin!

If you're starting to plan your Black Friday strategy, we'd recommend putting Target on your list of hot spots to hit. They've got some killer deals coming your way that day after Thanksgiving!
Usually, stores stay tight lipped about their holiday sales until closer to the big day, but a Target circular has leaked and the [...]


What an awful message you're sending to the youths!

Kodak, a supposedly family friendly company, has pulled its ads from airing during Teen Nick's popular series, DeGrassi: The Next Generation.

Apparently, the company has been receiving a slew of emails from the Florida Family Association for supporting a show that “targets teens with gay propaganda and other immoral behavior.”

For those of you who are not familiar with the show, this season there are not only gay teen characters, but a transgender one as well. We assume this is the kind of "immoral behavior" this group is referring to and we're ashamed to say that this kind ignorance led Kodak to pull their promotion of the show.

What an absolute shame. Here's a show, trying to reach out to a group of teens who've probably never felt like they've had a role model before, on a network that promotes itself as being kid-friendly, and Kodak now is saying that it's wrong to support that.

What's wrong is making anyone feel less worthy of respect and consideration because of their sexuality or race or creed or anything!

A major company publicly siding with homophobia. How sad.

Tony Smith
Daniel Gasser
project management template
John Sargent

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